30 years of working alongside people
....... tends to give you a huge insight into the way people work.
Years of making sense of myself and others - sometimes learning the hard way but always adding to the skill set I now have.
I have worked in many different settings, both employed and self employed and always go on learning.
This site is an overview of what I do, and links will guide you to the various areas of expertise.
My Skillset?
The skills I have centre around these areas:
Psychological Support ( counselling,coaching and more)
Corporate Support ( consultancy, training and quality)
Please feel free to explore each of those areas to see what I do and how I might be able to work with your company.
Ways of working
I am still primarily internet based in the work that I do although I have been making some visits to corporate sites as things seem to improve.
I have not yet begun to work face to face for therapy due to a change in location so that might change in time.
Whether your need is individual or part of a response you want to make within your business do get in touch to discuss the services I offer.
Full member IIRSM
I am now a full member of the International Institute for Risk Management, specialising in psychological risk.
Please do contact me for any queries about this.